Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 6 Totals -September 20 to September 26

Okay...I am still needing some numbers from several of you. I'll be emailing you the chart. Sorry, I can't figure out how to attach that.

Dad 150/1474 (0)*
Mom 45/477 (0)*
Clifton 0/1565 (0/10)
Vonnie 0/775 (0)
Vanessa 0/855 (0)
Tyson 0/1190 (0)
Gracie 335/2410 (75/435)
Doug 225/1125 (0/40)
Bob 0/652 (0/0)
Gerry 0/2323 (0/203)
Lauris 245/1928 (0/10)
Tammy 231/1824 (0/83)
Ian 245/1917 (0/10)
Susan H 0/705 (0/30)*
Eleanor 282/1722 (12/102)*
Bruce 400/2205 (0/0)
Stanley 0/1903 (0/40)

Week 5 Totals -September 13 to September 19

Sorry these are late....Week 5!!!!

Dad 240/1324 (0)*
Mom 65/432 (0)*
Clifton 185/1565 (10/10)
Vonnie 225/775 (0)
Vanessa 260/855 (0)
Tyson 300/1190 (0)
Gracie 365/2000 (40/360)
Doug 0/900 (0/40)
Bob 132/652 (0/0)
Gerry 454/2323 (50/203)
Lauris 325/1683 (0/10)
Tammy 246/1593 (0/83)
Ian 325/1672 (0/10)
Susan H 0/705 (0/30)*
Eleanor 133/1428 (0/85)*
Bruce 180/1805 (0/0)
Stanley 350/1903 (0/40)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Myth About Exercise

Exercising but Not Losing? You may have seen the Time Magazine article entitled "The Myth About Exercise". It concluded that exercise does little to help people lose weight and in fact can cause weight gain in those who feel hungrier after exercise and subsequently "reward" themselves with high calorie foods after their workout. This is old news! Of course you can't lose weight if you only burn 300 calories in a workout and then you eat a 500 calorie muffin. Do the have a net gain of 200 calories. Weight loss is still a matter of calories in versus calories out.

Americans simply eat too much food. So cutting back on your caloric intake is a great strategy to lose weight. But, for BEST overall results, calorie cutting should be combined with a regular exercise routine. Here's why:

· Exercise raises your metabolism while calorie cutting and weight loss lowers metabolism.

· Exercise makes you feel better and will help you manage stress eating and helps you sleep better.

· Exercise builds muscle and helps "reshape" your body after weight loss.

· Exercise can help you get off a weight loss plateau.

· Exercise is THE KEY to maintaining weight loss and preventing weight gain.

· Exercise helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy, keeps bones strong, improves body composition, and prevents all kinds of diseases and conditions.

· Exercise increases insulin sensitivity which is very important in controlling weight, preventing insulin resistance and Type II Diabetes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 4 Totals -September 5 to September 12

I'm a bit late getting this posted but here are the results thus far! Still need some of you to report in. The numbers are picking up! Who-hoo!

Well, it has been 4 weeks...this is long enough to now begin to be a habit! How is everyone feeling? Hopefully you are reaping the benefits of consistent exercise. Keep it up!

Dad 0/699 (0)*
Mom 0/137 (0)*
Clifton 450/1380 (10/10)
Vonnie 175/550 (0)
Vanessa 280/595 (0)
Tyson 375/890 (0)
Gracie 290/1595 (50/320)
Doug 245/900 (0/40)
Bob 151/520 (0/0)
Gerry 418/1819 (40/153)
Lauris 342/1358 (0/10)
Tammy 398/1347 (15/83)
Ian 383/1347 (0/10)
Susan H 0/705 (0/30)*
Eleanor 0/1028 (0/85)*
Stanley 705/1553 (0/40)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 3 Totals - August 29 - September 5 UPDATED!!!

UPDATE: Got numbers for Tyson. Susie let me know that they won't be able to participate...guess I understand with the little ones to keep up with. Also got totals from Susan H and Stanley. Stanley is working on getting those other Kahler's to participate yet and do a similar challenge in Denver! of now...the dishwasher are Mom, Bob and Vanessa...however, I need to get new numbers from Mom so she may be out of that group soon!

Original post:
Here are the stats for this past week. You know it takes 21 days to make a change. So this means that we are all well on our way to making exercise a daily habit! Keep it up! Mom and Dad have gotten some minutes in and Dad is going to be some real competition. Mom is doing good too with her bike riding and walking with Dad. I know I need to kick up the strength part so will once again aim to do that.

As of this 3rd week looks like our dishwashers are ***drum roll*** Bob, Tyson and Mom. But, all that can change quickly so keep exercising! :)

Dad 220/699 (0)
Mom 0/137 (0)
Clifton 335/920 (0)
Vonnie 115/375 (0)
Brad 0/0 (0) not participating
Susie 0/0 (0) not participating
Vanessa 75/315 (0)
Tyson 230/515 (0)*
Gracie 275/1155 (145/270)
Doug 245/655 (10/40)
Bob 0/259 (0/0)
Gerry 0/855 (0/63)
Lauris 250/1016 (0/10)
Tammy 313/934 (0/68)
Ian 250/964 (0/10)
Susan H 290/705 (10/30)*
Eleanor 328/1028 (15/85)
Stanley 345/848 (0/40) *

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 2 Totals - August 23 - 29

Well, the competition is heating up. We still have some people (mom and dad and Brad and Susie and Stanley) that need to turn in their minutes. It is not too late...get them to me soon.
The first number is the total minutes for this week (W) the next number is the overall total(O) so far. In ( ) is the strength minutes for this week (SW) and then the overall strength total (ST) but they are included in W and O totals. Hope that isn't too confusing. Remember the goal is to aim to get at least 3000 cardio minutes and 1500 strength minutes too.

Dad 0/0 (0)
Mom 0/0 (0)
Clifton 200/585 (0)
Vonnie 135/260 (0)
Brad 0/0 (0)
Susie 0/0 (0)
Vanessa 200/240 (0)
Tyson 0/195 (0)
Gracie 370/735 (85/125)
Doug 360/400 (30/30)
Bob 169/259 (0/0)
Gerry 492/855 (63/63)
Lauris 473/766 (10/10)
Tammy 410/621 (10/68)
Ian 413/714 (0/10)
Susan H 0/180 (0/0)
Eleanor 375/685 (30/70)
Stanley 148/463 (20/40)

Week 1 Totals - August 16 - 22

Here are the first weeks cumulative totals, cardio and strength. I will list the strength minutes if you had them but they are included in the total.

Clifton 385
Gracie 365 (40 strength)
Ian 301 (10 strength)
Gerry 300
Lauris 288
Tammy 211 (58 strength)
Vonnie 125
Bob 90
Vanessa 60
Doug 40 Uh-oh so far looks like Doug may be doing dishes! :)
Tyson 195
Brad 0 not reported yet
Susie 0 not reported yet
Susan H 180
Dad 0 not reported yet
Mom 0 not reported yet
Eleanor 270 (40 strength)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fitness Challenge

Beginning Sunday, August 16, 2009 - We will begin a healthy family competition of sorts. Goal is to aim to exercise daily and include some strength or resistance type of exercises as well each week. Our deadline date is December 19. After that we will all be converging to ND for Christmas. At this time the deal is...the 3 people with the LEAST number of exercise minutes will have to do the dishes for the Christmas meal.

Send me your weekly totals by Sunday night of each week and I will post a running tally on this blog site.

Happy exercising! :)